Literature Cited from:
Western States Bumble Bee Atlas: Engaging Community Scientists to Fill Information Gaps for SGCN Pollinators in Washington, California, Idaho, and Oregon
Submitted By: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in 2020
Cooperating States: California (CDFW), Idaho (IDFG), Oregon (ODFW)
Cooperating Organization: The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
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The Xerces Society, Wildlife Preservation Canada, York University, The Montreal Insectarium, The London Natural History Museum, BeeSpotter. 2019. Data accessed from Bumble Bee Watch, a collaborative website to track and conserve North America’s bumble bees. Available from (accessed September 5, 2019).
The Xerces Society, Wildlife Preservation Canada, York University, University of Ottawa, The Montreal Insectarium, The London Natural History Museum, BeeSpotter. 2014. Bombus caliginosus: Verified Sightings. Available from,%22observer%22:%22Rich%20Hatfield%22,%22species_id%22:%5B%229%22%5D,%22province_id%22:%5B%5D%7D (accessed March 5, 2020).
The Xerces Society, Wildlife Preservation Canada, York University, University of Ottawa, The Montreal Insectarium, The London Natural History Museum, BeeSpotter. 2020a. Bombus huntii: Verified Sightings (2018-2019). Available from,%22species_id%22:%5B%2221%22%5D,%22province_id%22:%5B%2225%22,%2250%22,%2260%22%5D,%22year%22:%5B2019,2018%5D%7D (accessed March 6, 2020).
The Xerces Society, Wildlife Preservation Canada, York University, University of Ottawa, The Montreal Insectarium, The London Natural History Museum, BeeSpotter. 2020b. Bombus fervidus: Verified Sightings (2018-2019). Available from,%22species_id%22:%5B%2214%22%5D,%22province_id%22:%5B%2225%22,%2250%22,%2260%22%5D,%22year%22:%5B2019,2018%5D%7D (accessed March 6, 2020).
Thorp RW. 1999. Franklin’s bumble bee, Bombus franklini (Frison 1921): a species of special concern. Report to USDA Forest Service, Ashland, OR on 1998 season (submitted 23 Nov 1999).
Thorp RW. 2001. Franklin’s bumble bee, Bombus franklini (Frison 1921): a species of special concern. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR on 1999-2000 seasons (submitted 14 Nov 2001).
Thorp RW. 2004. Franklin’s bumble bee, Bombus franklini (Frison 1921): a species of special concern. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR on 2001-2003 seasons (submitted 29 June 2004).
Thorp RW. 2005a. Franklin’s bumble bee, Bombus franklini (Frison 1921): a species of special concern. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR on 2005 season (submitted 7 November 2005).
Thorp RW. 2005b. Franklin’s bumble bee, Bombus franklini (Frison 1921): a species of special concern. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR on 2004 season (submitted 29 March 2005).
USFWS. 2018. Habitat Connectivity Model for the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis). Minnesota-Wisconsin Field Office. Available from
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). 2015. Appendix A5: Invertebrates. Page 65 Washington’s State Wildlife Action Plan: 2015 Update.
Williams NM, Mola JM, Stuligross C, Harrison T, Page ML, Brennan RM, Rosenberger NM, Rundlöf M. 2019. Fantastic bees and where to find them: locating the cryptic overwintering queens of a western bumble bee. Ecosphere 10:1.
Williams PH, Thorp RW, Richardson LL, Colla SR. 2014. Bumble Bees of North America: An Identification Guide: An Identification Guide. Princeton University Press.
USFWS. 2018. Habitat Connectivity Model for the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis). Minnesota-Wisconsin Field Office. Available from
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW). 2016c. Oregon Conservation Strategy: Species Data Gaps. Available from
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW). 2016d. Oregon Conservation Strategy: Invertebrates. Available from
Osborne JL, Martin AP, Shortall CR, Todd AD, Goulson D, Knight ME, Hale RJ, Sanderson RA. 2008. Quantifying and comparing bumblebee nest densities in gardens and countryside habitats. The Journal of applied ecology 45:784–792.
Rhoades PR, Koch JB, Waits LP, Strange JP, Eigenbrode SD. 2016. Evidence for Bombus occidentalis (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Populations in the Olympic Peninsula, the Palouse Prairie, and Forests of Northern Idaho. Journal of insect science 16. Available from
Richardson L. 2019. Data Contributors. Available from (accessed January 24, 2020).
Sánchez-Bayo F, Wyckhuys KAG. 2019. Worldwide decline of the entomofauna: A review of its drivers. Biological conservation 232:8–27.
Soroye P, Newbold T, Kerr J. 2020. Climate change contributes to widespread declines among bumble bees across continents. Science 367:685–688.
Starr J, Schweik CM, Bush N, Fletcher L, Finn J, Fish J, Bargeron CT. 2014. Lights, camera…citizen science: assessing the effectiveness of smartphone-based video training in invasive plant identification. PloS one 9:e111433.
Szymanski J, Smith T, Horton A, Parkin M, Ragan L, Masson G, Olson E, Gifford K, Hill L. 2016. Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis) Species Status Assessment - Final ReportVersion 1. FWS-R3-ES-2015-0112-0030. USFWS.
The Xerces Society, Wildlife Preservation Canada, York University, The Montreal Insectarium, The London Natural History Museum, BeeSpotter. 2019. Data accessed from Bumble Bee Watch, a collaborative website to track and conserve North America’s bumble bees. Available from (accessed September 5, 2019).
The Xerces Society, Wildlife Preservation Canada, York University, University of Ottawa, The Montreal Insectarium, The London Natural History Museum, BeeSpotter. 2014. Bombus caliginosus: Verified Sightings. Available from,%22observer%22:%22Rich%20Hatfield%22,%22species_id%22:%5B%229%22%5D,%22province_id%22:%5B%5D%7D (accessed March 5, 2020).
The Xerces Society, Wildlife Preservation Canada, York University, University of Ottawa, The Montreal Insectarium, The London Natural History Museum, BeeSpotter. 2020a. Bombus huntii: Verified Sightings (2018-2019). Available from,%22species_id%22:%5B%2221%22%5D,%22province_id%22:%5B%2225%22,%2250%22,%2260%22%5D,%22year%22:%5B2019,2018%5D%7D (accessed March 6, 2020).
The Xerces Society, Wildlife Preservation Canada, York University, University of Ottawa, The Montreal Insectarium, The London Natural History Museum, BeeSpotter. 2020b. Bombus fervidus: Verified Sightings (2018-2019). Available from,%22species_id%22:%5B%2214%22%5D,%22province_id%22:%5B%2225%22,%2250%22,%2260%22%5D,%22year%22:%5B2019,2018%5D%7D (accessed March 6, 2020).
Thorp RW. 1999. Franklin’s bumble bee, Bombus franklini (Frison 1921): a species of special concern. Report to USDA Forest Service, Ashland, OR on 1998 season (submitted 23 Nov 1999).
Thorp RW. 2001. Franklin’s bumble bee, Bombus franklini (Frison 1921): a species of special concern. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR on 1999-2000 seasons (submitted 14 Nov 2001).
Thorp RW. 2004. Franklin’s bumble bee, Bombus franklini (Frison 1921): a species of special concern. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR on 2001-2003 seasons (submitted 29 June 2004).
Thorp RW. 2005a. Franklin’s bumble bee, Bombus franklini (Frison 1921): a species of special concern. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR on 2005 season (submitted 7 November 2005).
Thorp RW. 2005b. Franklin’s bumble bee, Bombus franklini (Frison 1921): a species of special concern. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR on 2004 season (submitted 29 March 2005).
USFWS. 2018. Habitat Connectivity Model for the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis). Minnesota-Wisconsin Field Office. Available from
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). 2015. Appendix A5: Invertebrates. Page 65 Washington’s State Wildlife Action Plan: 2015 Update.
Williams NM, Mola JM, Stuligross C, Harrison T, Page ML, Brennan RM, Rosenberger NM, Rundlöf M. 2019. Fantastic bees and where to find them: locating the cryptic overwintering queens of a western bumble bee. Ecosphere 10:1.
Williams PH, Thorp RW, Richardson LL, Colla SR. 2014. Bumble Bees of North America: An Identification Guide: An Identification Guide. Princeton University Press.
USFWS. 2018. Habitat Connectivity Model for the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis). Minnesota-Wisconsin Field Office. Available from